We share tea and talk tea at assisted living homes, private homes and community centers. We play Teago Bingo with prizes for winners. We are also doing mystery tea events.
Spend time being refreshed by God's Word with a cup of tea. Relax in a comfy chair that gets some afternoon sun. Reflect on the goodness of life.
Real joy comes not from ease or riches or
from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile. Wilfred T. Grenfell
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. Ps 100:4
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Blessings to you and your family. Have a TEA- rrrific day.
Email me for a free sample of tea!
Traveling TEA With Jesus
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Anti-Cancer Diet
Tea- has antioxidants called catechins that may block certain enzymes that lead to cancer. In animal research, stomach, liver and skin tumors shrank in mice fed green or black tea. Steeping tea for at least five minutes releases the most antioxidants! So steep and drink tea. Loose tea is better for you too than tea bags and once you go to loose tea hard to go back to tea bags but there are still some good tea bag teas!
Berries- contain antioxidants that reduce and repair the kind of damage to cells that can lead to cancer. Frozen berries or fresh can serve the same purpose.
Nuts- Peanuts in particular have been linked to a lower rate of endometrial and colorectal cancers in women.
Enjoy your week.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Traveling TEA with Jesus!
Tea facts
Never use lemon and milk in tea; the citrus will curdle the milk.
The public English tea gardens created a place where all of British society gathered, which meant a mingling of different classes and backgrounds.
The English tea gardens provided a gathering place that included women. For the first time, women were permitted to enter a mixed, public , gathering without scandal or criticism.
Traveling Tea with Jesus!
I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be;
I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way. Edgar A Guest
October- An Autumn Tea
October is a great month to sip a cup of tea with a few friends. October we will try some teas with apple and cinnamon.
Spice it up T2121- This ceylon tea has wonderful apple cinnamon flavors. This is also a tea that has the label on the package created by 14 year old Roharn. He loves to sing and hopes to play in a band. He is from the Sri Jinananda Orphanage. 10% of the net retail profit of this certain tea goes to the orphanage.
Christmas Morning T2032- Warm and fragrant black tea blended with dried orange, citrus peel, cloves, vanilla bits, dried sweetened cranberries, natural flavorings.
Coconut Dream T2110- Sometimes you feel like a nut! If you crave coconut with your chocolate, you must try this blend of black tea, chocolate chips, cocoa beans, cocoa bits, coconut flakes and natural flavorings. This is yummy!
That is what will be serving in October. If you have any other requests please let me know.
All teas on my website.
We have two different events we offer. One is I bring the teacups, tea, devotion and Tea Bingo. Cost is as follows: 4-18 people is $75. 18-25 is $95.
Another event is each person would purchase a teacup and saucer for $18 and we will serve tea in your teacup, have devotion, and play Tea Bingo which will include prizes. The teacups are quite elegant and when you pour the tea into the cup the tea forms into a heart. Great conversation piece.
Come, ye thankful people, come, Raise the song of harvest home; All is safely gathered in, Eere the winter storms begin. Henry Alford
Traveling TEA with Jesus!
September A Chocolate Lover's TEA
From the book The Twelve Teas of Celebration by Emilie Barnes
Come to a delightful Chocolate Tea, Your palate will be thrilled you brought it.
This is the tea that all friends want to be invited to. In a day and age where slimness is in, we ladies want to indulge in the greatest forbidden dessert-chocolate.
When chocolate becomes the actual theme for a gathering, your guests will simply adore you.
Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you. Prov. 24:14
Tealightful Treasures has some wonderful chocolate teas. If you book an event at your assisted living or home, I will bring some of these to try in the month of September. I would need two week advance notice before event.
Rooibos Tiramisu - Rooibos with decadent white chocolate, toffee and cocoa bean! T2034
Chocolate Orange Rooibos- Roobos, chocolate bits and bright orange peel. T2111 Great with Cocoa Kisses Scones! Which will be a treat too!
Cocoa Kisses- black tea with real cocoa bits and natural chocolate flavors. T2003
Chocolate Mint- Black tea with peppermint oil, peppermint leaf and natural chocolate flavors. T2069
Cherry Chocolate Truffle-Black Tea blend with sour cherry, coconut and chocolate. T2109
You can find these teas on my website www.tealightfultreasures.net/tea
We have two different events we offer. One is I bring the teacups, tea, devotion and Tea Bingo. Cost is as follows: 4-18 people is $75. 18-25 is $95.
Another event is each person would purchase a teacup and saucer for $18 and we will serve tea in your teacup, have devotion, and play Tea Bingo which will include prizes. The teacups are quite elegant and when you pour the tea into the cup the tea forms into a heart. Great conversation piece.
Let's do some chocolate tea in September! Traveling TEA with Jesus!
October will be An Autumn Tea
Traveling TEA with Jesus!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
TEA Song
You're God's little teapot by design, Filled with the love of Christ divine. Let Him mold and shape you, one of a kind-and pour through you time after time.
From the book One of a Kind by God's Design- Dornacher
These quotes come from the book
The first cup of tea moistens my lps and throat; the second cup breaks my loneliness. Lu Tung
Friends put the entire world to right over a cup of tea. Charlotte Gray
Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. Catheine Douzel
Enjoy your tea and devotion today!
My website www.tealightfultreasures.net/tea
Friday, August 27, 2010
My dear if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs. Charles Dickens
Teatime Anytime!
Tea allows us to enjoy the calm of fellowship, the exchange of communication, and the beauty of taking time for people. Teacups themsleves bring something unique and lovely to our time with others. Offer people the chance to choose a teacup from your collection when you host a tea party. When you do that it allows for the conversation to begin. As a teacup is chosen and the warm delicious beverage is poured into that cup, the heart softens and becomes eager to share.
Tea is a way to be together, even if the words or the relationship is not there. Maybe it is a new relationship or a relationship that has experienced some wear and tear over the years. Tea allows you to be in the same space together and to take in the moment at the same time.
Most of all , tea forges deeper friendships- with neighbors, strangers, family members, old friends and new.
Traveling Tea with Jesus prays that we will meet some day over tea. Blessings and enjoy that cup of tea with friends and Jesus.
BLOG P3: This Isn't For Everybody, Only the Hurting People
BLOG P3: Owning a Business
Love your community
Thursday, August 26, 2010
My Day 8/26/2010
Remember God is there each day for you even through the tough days and keep your faith and trust in Him and Him alone and watch what amazing things He can show you and that you will see. I am blessed to know him and want others to experience the same. Have a TEA-RRRRIFIC day from Traveling Tea for Jesus.
The Teacup Story
“Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.”
There was a couple that used to go to England to shop in the beautiful stores. They both liked antiques and pottery, especially teacups. This was their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. One day in a beautiful shop, they saw an exquisite teacup. They asked the clerk, “May we see that? We’ve never seen one quite so lovely.”
As the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke. “You don’t understand,” it said, “I haven’t always been a teacup. There was a time when I was red, and I was clay. My master took me and rolled me and patted me over and over, and I yelled out, ‘let me alone,’ but he only smiled and said, ‘Not yet.’ Then I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly spun around, and around, and around. ‘Stop it, I’m getting dizzy!’ I screamed.
“But the master only nodded and said, ‘Not yet.’ Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I wondered why he wanted to burn me, and I yelled and knocked at the door. I could see him through the opening, and I could read his lips, as he shook his head, ‘Not yet.’
“Finally the door opened, he put me on a shelf, and I began to cool. ‘There, that’s better,’ I said. And he brushed, and painted me all over. The fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag. ‘Stop it, stop it!’ I cried. He only nodded, ‘Not yet.’ Then suddenly he put me back into the oven, not like the first one. This was twice as hot, and I knew I would suffocate. I begged. I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. All the time I could see him through the opening nodding his head saying, ‘Not yet.’
“Then I knew there wasn’t any hope. I would never make it. I was ready to give up. But the door opened, and he took me out and placed me on a shelf. One our later he handed me a mirror and said, ‘Look at yourself.’ And I did. I said. ‘That’s not me, that couldn’t be me. It’s beautiful. I’m beautiful.’
“I want you to remember, then,’ he said, ‘I know it hurts to be rolled and patted, but if I had left you alone, you’d have dried up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if I had stopped, you would have crumbled. I knew it hurt, and was hot and disagreeable in the oven, but if I hadn’t put you there, you would have cracked.”
“I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and painted you all over, but if I hadn’t done that, you never would have hardened; you would not have had any color in your life. And if I hadn’t put you back in that second oven, you wouldn’t survive for very long because the hardness would not have held. Now you are a finished product. You are what I had in mind when I first began with you.”
Moral: God knows what He is doing for all of us. He is the Potter, and we are His clay. He will mold us and make us. So that we may be made into a flawless piece of work to fulfill His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
HEalth and non Health benefits of tea
Where you can enjoy simple pleasures while shopping for tea and treasures!
White Tea: Contains the highest levels of antioxidants and polyphenols which protect human cells from damage. Three mugs a day offer colon, gastric, pancreas, bladder, prostate, and breast cancer prevention benefits.
Green Tea: Contains polyphenols that contain more antioxidant activity than Vitamin C and E. Helps prevent rheumatoid arthritis and / or lesson the pain in those already suffering from it. May prevent heart disease. It helps to control your appetite which can be beneficial in weight loss. The best free acne home remedy you can give your skin is green tea. Prepare yourself a cup of green tea to drink and cleanse your system from the inside and then rub the teabag over your skin to cure your acne fast. The health benefits of green tea not only extend to curing acne but also to various other skin conditions.
Black / Oolong Tea: Relaxes and expands the arteries, which increases blood flow to the heart. They contain antioxidants similar to those found in fruits and vegetables. Aids in fighting tooth decay, as it contains fluoride. It also contains the potent compound EGCG, which inhibits the production of toxic proteins that clog the brains of Alzheimer’s victims. EGCG also prevents bacterial infections and the spread of HIV.
Rooibos: May delay the aging process! Helps to relieve stomach ailments particularly ulcers, nausea, constipation, colic, and heartburn. Contains magnesium, which is necessary for a healthy nervous system. It helps to control your appetite which can be beneficial in weight loss. Contains antioxidants that help in cancer prevention. Caffeine free!
Fruit & Herb Tea: Herbal teas do not come from Camellia Senisus plant as do all the other teas but are an infusion of leaves, roots, bark, seeds or flowers of other plants. They are not linked with the research on the potential health benefits of traditional teas. BUT they are Caffeine free!
Did you know tea has more uses than simply being a delightful beverage? Tea is used for health and beauty, around the house, and in the garden. Products that have multiple uses are wonderful. You conserve space by having fewer items that double to perform several functions and save a little money too. Who knew such a delicious beverage could double as a health and beauty aid, cleaning product, and plant food? Tea offers you practicality to do things such as clean furniture and hardwood floors without the harsh chemicals and fumes. Finally, everyday tasks can feel luxurious with the rich aromatic scents of tea!
In the Garden Do you have roses that tend to appear a droopy in the summer? I know the problem all too well and have the ideal solution. Try tea to perk up those roses. Sprinkle new or used tea leaves around them, and cover with mulch.
Another benefit to this idea is the fragrance of the roses mingling with the tea is wonderful. Another fantastic idea for fellow green thumbs is placing used tea bags in the drainage layer of a planter to help ferns soak up more of the nutrients it needs to be healthy.
Feed Your Ferns and Plants
Your ferns like to drink tea too. Occasionally substitute brewed tea for water when feeding plants. Alternatively, work wet tea leaves into the soil around the ferns to give them a lush appearance.
Prepare Planter for Potting Improve the health of your plants with tea. Place a few used tea bags on top of the drainage layer at the bottom of the planter before potting. The tea bags retain the water and seep nutrients into the soil.
Enhance Your Compost Pile A good way to speed up the decomposition process and enrich your compost is to pour a few cups of strongly brewed tea into the heap. The liquid tea will accelerate the decomposition process and draw acid-producing bacteria, creating desirable acid-rich compost.
For Health and Beauty
Cool Sunburned Skin Did you forget your sunscreen? Grab a few wet tea bags and apply to the affected skin; it is a surefire treatment to alleviate the burning and stinging. If the sunburn is larger, add a few tea bags to your bathwater and soak in the comfort.
Relieve Tired Eyes Do your eyes appear tired, achy, or puffy? Go to your tea chest and soak two tea bags in warm water. Place them over your closed eyes for 20 minutes. The tannins in the tea reduce puffiness giving you refreshed looking eyes.
Reduce Razor Burn Nicks, cuts, and razor burn from shaving are not a pretty sight. To soothe these unsightly accidents, apply a wet tea bag to the area. Your skin will thank you.
Get the Gray Out Turn back the clock without an expensive trip to the salon. Create your own natural hair dye using brewed tea and herbs. Steep three tea bags in 1-cup boiling water. Add 1-tablespoon each of rosemary and sage (either fresh or
dried) and let it stand overnight before coloring. The next day, shampoo as usual, then spray or pour the mixture on your hair, making sure to saturate evenly. Blot with a towel and do not rinse. Note: Several treatments may be
necessary to achieve desired shade. Condition Dry Hair Condition your hair with tea. Give dry hair a natural luster and shine using a quart of warm, unsweetened tea (freshly brewed or instant) as a final rinse after your regular shampoo.
Tan Your Skin with Tea Give your skin a tan without the sun or a tanning bed. Brew two cups of strong black tea, let it stand to cool, and pour into a plastic spray bottle. Be sure your skin is clean and dry before applying mixture. Spray tea directly onto your skin and let it air dry. Repeat as desired for that sun kissed appearance.
Drain a Boil Finally, an easy painless way to drain a boil. Cover it with a wet tea bag overnight. The boil should drain without any discomfort by the time you wake up in the morning.
Soothe Those Bleeding Gums Is your child in pain from losing a tooth? To stop the bleeding and soothe a sore gum after losing a tooth, dampen a tea bag with cool water and apply it directly to the affected site.
Relieve Pain from Injections Are you or your child still in pain from a shot? Get a wet tea bag and place it over the site of injection. Gently hold it in place until the discomfort subsides. The tannic acid in the tea soothes the soreness.
Dry Poison Ivy Rash Dry a draining poison ivy rash with strongly brewed tea. Dip a cotton ball into the tea, apply it to the affected area, and air dry. Repeat as needed.
Stop Foot Odor Help your feet smell good with a daily tea bath. Soak your feet in strongly brewed tea for twenty minutes per day and hello to pleasant smelling feet.
Make Soothing Mouthwash Toothaches or any other kinds of mouth pain are downright agonizing. To ease the pain, rinse your mouth with a cup of hot peppermint tea mixed with a pinch or two of salt. Peppermint tea is an antiseptic and contains menthol, which alleviates pain on contact. To make peppermint tea, boil one-tablespoon fresh peppermint leaves in 1 cup of water, and steep for several minutes. Tenderize Tough Meat Use unflavored black tea to tenderize the toughest meats. Place four tablespoons black tea leaves in a pot of warm (not boiling water) and steep for 5 minutes. Strain to remove the leaves and stir in 1/2-cup brown sugar until dissolved. Set aside. Season up to 3 pounds of meat with salt, pepper, onion, and garlic powder. Pour liquid over the seasoned meat and cook in a preheated 325-degree oven for approximately ninety minutes or until meat is fork tender.
Household Uses Shine Your Mirrors For those people who are looking for new ways to clean around the house there are amazing tea uses for you too! I do not know about you, but I cannot get my mirrors to a perfect sheen. With tea, it can be done with a pot of strong tea and a damp cloth. Simply dampen the cloth in the tea, apply to the mirror, and buff with a soft cloth for an impeccable shine. I tried this idea and it really works!
Clean Wood Furniture and Floors Fresh brewed tea is a great way to clean wood floors and furniture. Simply boil a couple tea bags in a quart of water and let it cool. Dip a soft cloth into the tea, wring out the excess, and wipe away the grime. Buff dry with a clean, soft cloth.
Control Dust from Fireplace Ash Keep dust contained in the ashes when cleaning out your fireplace. Before you begin cleaning, sprinkle wet tea leaves over the area. The tea will prevent the ashes from spreading as you remove them.
Perfume a Sachet Make an aromatic sachet from your favorite herbal tea. Save infused tea leaves and spread them out on newspaper to dry. After they are completely dry use for stuffing in a sachet. You can add some scented oil as well.
I hope these ideas will be helpful to you in the future!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Holiness of God
Very good book to read!
Zucchini Chocolate Cake with Scones mix
Have a tea-rrrrific day!
From wikipedia, read this on pruning:
Pruning is a horticultural practice involving the selective removal of parts of a plant, such as branches, buds, or roots. Reasons to prune plants include deadwood removal, shaping (by controlling or directing growth), improving or maintaining health, reducing risk from falling branches, preparing nursery specimens for transplanting, and both harvesting and increasing the yield or quality of flowers and fruits. The practice entails targeted removal of diseased, damaged, dead, non-productive, structurally unsound, or otherwise unwanted tissue from crop and landscape plants.
Now think about how you spend your time, and re-read with application to your own habits. What can you prune from your daily habits to give place for more fruitful activities or rest?
tea factors
The largest source of catechins in the human diet is from various teas Catechins have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol and kill bacteria,'
When creating a great pot of tea, remove the kettle of water from the burner as soon as it hits a rolling boil.
Turning to God
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Each bud is hand-plucked only a few days of the year, right before the leaf opens. 100% White Tea is minimally processed resulting in a cup with a delicate, faintly sweet flavor and a lingering finish.
Something Interesting to Consider...
Once reserved for the cups of emperors, 100% White Tea remains one of the rarest and most expensive of all teas. The Republic of Tea is honored to offer you the purest and the best 100% White Tea available.
100% White Tea has only trace amounts of caffeine.
Steeping is Easy
Fill the kettle with fresh, filtered water and heat just short of boiling.
Steep tea for 30-60 seconds if using tea bags or 2-3 minutes if using full-leaf.
For iced tea, double the amount of tea bags used, steep as above and pour over a generous amount of ice.
Experiment to find your favored steeping time and enjoy Sip by Sip.
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Friend in the Storm
Tea Orphanage fundraiser
You can go to website and put in these numbers and you can see the description of each. Website is www.tealightfultreasures.net/tea and these are the product numbers that qualify- T2123, T2119, T2120, T2121, T2122. THe company is donating 10% of the net retail profit of the sales of these ceylon teas to the Sri Jinananda Orphanage. These blend of teas are fantastic. Each tea label features artwork created by the boys in the orphanage. The theme- What I want to be when I grow up.-
Love to have you spread this around. Need orders by the 29th of August for this month goal that I have set for myself. EAch month I will be doing something different but this month and possibly October I will do again. I have a heart for children and orphanages as my daughter was adopted from China and she has been a blessing!
Some other teas that are good- T2112- Super Fruit Gogi Green, T2056 Chamomile Mango, T- 2024 Sweet Cranberry Apple, T-2026 Summer Berries, T2219 Toasted Almond Spice Cake, T2098 Organic Lavender Lemon Tea Cake, T2035 Green Rooibos Peach, T2048 Raspberry Royale Rooibos, T2054 Rooibos Caramel Cream, T2001 Blueberrry Bouquet, T2007 Fruity Raspberry, T2032 Christmas Morning, T2110 Coconut Dream.
Thanks for spreading His Word and info about this fundraiser!.
We just got a call from our realtor/facilitator and we have a showing at 3 or so and people are savvy. Don't have to worry too much as people can get past things. That was great to hear. I also have got some great Christian FB fans that I have become friends with. God is good!
We have a Great God like the song Chris Tomlin sings. How Great is our God! This person looking at our home may not be the one but God keeps showing me somebody will come along. Keep on studying God's word and pressing on for Him!
quote from JC Ryle
have, and think they have enough. A cheap Christianity which offends
nobody, and requires no sacrifice-which costs nothing, and is worth
nothing." ~JC Ryle"
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Casting Crowns - If We've Ever Needed You
Great video and how we sure do need Him!
Traveling TEa with Jesus!
Fundraiser for orphanage
You can go to website and put in these numbers and you can see the description of each. Website is www.tealightfultreasures.net/tea and these are the product numbers that qualify- T2123, T2119, T2120, T2121, T2122. THe company is donating 10% of the net retail profit of the sales of these ceylon teas to the Sri Jinananda Orphanage. These blend of teas are fantastic. Each tea label features artwork created by the boys in the orphanage. The theme- What I want to be when I grow up.-
Love to have you spread this around. Need orders by the 29th of August for this month goal that I have set for myself. EAch month I will be doing something different but this month and possibly October I will do again. I have a heart for children and orphanages as my daughter was adopted from China and she has been a blessing!
Some other teas that are good- T2112- Super Fruit Gogi Green, T2056 Chamomile Mango, T- 2024 Sweet Cranberry Apple, T-2026 Summer Berries, T2219 Toasted Almond Spice Cake, T2098 Organic Lavender Lemon Tea Cake, T2035 Green Rooibos Peach, T2048 Raspberry Royale Rooibos, T2054 Rooibos Caramel Cream, T2001 Blueberrry Bouquet, T2007 Fruity Raspberry, T2032 Christmas Morning, T2110 Coconut Dream.
Thanks for spreading His Word and info about this fundraiser!.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Art of Conversation
Where did your family live when you were six? When you were twelve?
What is the most valuable thing you've learned in the past ten years?
What is the most encouraging word anyone can say to you?
What is the greatest gift you have ever received?
What's your idea of a truly perfecct morning? What would you do?
What better way to suggest friendliness- and to creat it- than with a cup of tea? j. Grayson Luttrell
From the book Everything I know I learned over tea
Good Luck!
365 Things Every Tea Lover Should know
Commenting on a blog
1) Click on the title of the blog when it arrives in your email box. For today's post you would click on the words "How To Post a Comment on a Blog." This will take you to my actual blog online.
2) Once you are at my actual blogsite, click on the word "Comments" that is right at the top of the blog post.
3) Now you can read the post and the conversation other readers have added to the post (if there are already posted comments).
4) At the bottom of all the comments you'll find a box that says "Post a comment". This is where you actually respond. Type your response in the box. Then click on the "Comment As" box where you can just post under the name "Anonymous" if you want.
(If you want to post under your first name or a nickname, you can do that by signing up for a Google ID here -- You'll also be signing up for a "Gmail" email account which you can choose to use or not use. Once signed up, you can post to any blog with your Gmail/Google name. You can even put a picture on your Google account and then when you post a comment on a blog, your picture will come up, too!)
5) Click "Post Comment" and your comment should post!
Friday, August 20, 2010
More info on tea and mild cognitive impairment
Traveling Tea with Jesus! Check me out on facebook too Tea Travels
Tea and mild cognitive impairment
Green Tea and Cognitive Decline
Scientists have found that green tea slows brain aging, helping prevent declining memory, cognitive impairment, dementia and Alzheimer's. Drinking more than 2 cups a day of green tea reduced odds of cognitive impairment in elderly Japanese men and women by more than half. Many studies indicate regular tea consumption is associated with lower risks of cognitive impairment and decline.
God bless you on your journey.
Traveling Tea with Jesus!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tea Time with Jesus
I thought this was a great book to share with others as we are Traveling Tea with Jesus.
I would like to share Baby Countenance with you.
Ps 123:1,2 I lift up my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in heaven. As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid looks to her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord, our God, till he shows us his mercy.
Did you take notice of how eyes mirror the expression of the heart? Little children are the best models of this. They sincerely express the honesty of how they feel in the moment. When they feel sad or happy, upset or calm, you can look into their eyes and immediately know how they feel deep within.
I remember when our son, Chris, was about a year and a half. We went shopping, a day out as a family. We strolled our son in his baby buggy. Took him to his favorite section, the Toyland, and let him hold onto a soft, cuddly stuffed animal. But he was besides his usual cheerful self that day. His eyes told the whole story- he was under the weather, he was not feeling well.
In life, we have days where we too stumble and fall short. There are days where we may be besides our normal selves. We may loose courage in facing our giants. We may loose strength to keep pushing on. But when and if we stumble and fall short in pleasing God, all we need to do is explained clearly in today's verse.... all we must do is look up to heaven and fall onto our knees.
Pray with a pure childlike heart and a baby countenance that sincerely desires forgiveness from our Abba Father, our Daddy God. How can our God who loves us as the apple of His eyes, turn His caring eyes from this? How can He not provide us with even the desires of our hearts?
Feel this heartbeat.... I lift up my eyes to You, my Abba Father, to Your throne in heaven. As the eyes of a maid look to her mistress, so do my eyes look to You, Lord. I will continue till I find Your mercy and grace. I will not give up until I receive the miracle I ask for unspoken at this moment. Until the answer comes, I will knock at Your door so I can testify about Your wonderful faithfulness and others may know too of Your goodness. Until that precious time, with your joyful anticipation, I look to You, Abaa Father, wth a baby countenance.
From the book titles Tea Time with Jesus- Laura Sanders
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Oolong tea
These large leaves are then withered, briefly oxidized, rolled or twisted and fired. The shape of the final tea could be the inspiration for the name Oolong which means “black dragon” in Chinese.
Something Interesting to Consider...
Chinese oolong can be very floral, such as Ti Kuan Yin, which is often described as smelling like orchids. Oolong from Taiwan, known as Formosan Oolong, is oxidized and fired longer and has a fruity flavor reminiscent of ripe peaches.
Oolong teas impart much flavor – the same leaves can be infused multiple times.
Oolong’s caffeine content is between that of black and green tea and produces about one-quarter to one-third the caffeine found in a comparably-sized cup of coffee.
Steeping Oolong tea is Easy
Fill the kettle with fresh, filtered water and heat to a rolling boil.
Steep tea for 3-5 minutes (if using a tea bag) or 5-7 minutes (if using full-leaf tea) using one teaspoon of tea leaves or one tea bag and 6 oz of heated water per cup.
Experiment to find your favored steeping time. Enjoy Sip by Sip.
Tea time for your soul
The Lord is With Me
I don't know about you, but I have the hardest time remembering moment by moment that the Lord is with me. I remember that He is with me after He protects me from a car accident and even when I have a good kind of blessing, but I just can't seem to keep in touch with this moment by moment of my everyday living. I know full well that God wants my prayer life to be like breathing. Paul encourages me to pray without ceasing (I Thess. 5:17). I want to pray like that. I do. The problem is that my mind wanders, and I forget that I can pray at all times about all things.
I've been reading a lot of Celtic prayers lately; and I think they were on to something. Last week I wrote about how Celtic Christians prayed for protection. They also prayed about their daily lives. Nothing seemed off-limits for a proper prayer. Inspired by the Celtic prayers I've been reading and praying; I've found myself more aware that the Lord is with me.
Psalms 118:6-7 says, The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies. For a while now, God has blessed me by helping me think about Him first thing when I wake from the night’s sleep. I practice acknowledging our relationship and the beginning of the new day. Lately, I've added searching the sky to catch any glimpse still available to me of the sunrise. I have begun to consider the sunrise as a personal message of God’s faithfulness and goodness to me. The best solution I've found to remembering to pray more and remain in touch with the fact that the Lord is with me is to let the heavens remind me to pray. When I get a chance to be outside like walking to my car, I've been glancing up at the sapphire dome that envelops our earth, taking in the mystery of God’s love and protection. Becoming more in touch with the heavens has reminded me to pray; it has helped me be more aware of the fact that God is with me. That same beautiful sky that has been covering me every day has become a prayer book of sorts. Monks have the privilege of called times of prayer and mainly the work of prayer. It’s so easy for us who are dealing with the daily drudgeries of life to quickly forget how to organize our lives around prayer. Brother Lawrence is most famous for teaching the same manner of prayer to everyone from monks, to rulers, to military soldiers, to housewives. He taught that thinking of God’s presence in every action of our life is practicing His presence. He admits that it often takes years to reach this kind of rapt attention to God. I've been trying for years and have found that paying more attention to the world God has created helps me pay more attention to God Himself.
The Lord is with you. He is right there right now as you read this devotion. You may or not be aware of it, but He is there with you. This fact teaches a truth about God—He is there night and day whether or not we pay attention to His presence or become fully aware that He is with us. It’s His mysterious presence that caused you to read on and consider this idea that has helped me grow.
I invite you to try my new prayer book. Look to the heavens as often as you can and consider the God who covered our universe with such a spectacular display of His power and might. Ask God to help you look up to the heavens and remember that He is with you. Let a glimpse into the heavens remind you of God’s flawless character. Move one step closer to remembering that The Lord is With You!
Copyright © 2010. Deborah R. Newman. All Rights Reserved.
"Beauty Secrets: Tips for Teens from the Ultimate Makeover Artist"
"Comfortable in Your Own Skin: Making Peace with Your Body Image"
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Weekly Email Devotion Click on: Sign-up for weekly devotions
Dr. Deborah Newman is a licensed professional counselor, and licensed marriage and family therapist. After 18 years in the counseling field, she now serves as Minister to Women at Christ Church in Plano,Texas. www.christchurchplano.org
"Beauty Secrets: Tips for Teens from the Ultimate Makeover Artist"
"Comfortable in Your Own Skin: Making Peace with Your Body Image"
To Sign-up for FREE
Weekly Email Devotion Click on: Sign-up for weekly devotions
Dr. Deborah Newman is a licensed professional counselor, and licensed marriage and family therapist. After 18 years in the counseling field, she now serves as Minister to Women at Christ Church in Plano,Texas. www.christchurchplano.org
The Lord is With Me
I don't know about you, but I have the hardest time remembering moment by moment that the Lord is with me. I remember that He is with me after He protects me from a car accident and even when I have a good kind of blessing, but I just can't seem to keep in touch with this moment by moment of my everyday living. I know full well that God wants my prayer life to be like breathing. Paul encourages me to pray without ceasing (I Thess. 5:17). I want to pray like that. I do. The problem is that my mind wanders, and I forget that I can pray at all times about all things.
I've been reading a lot of Celtic prayers lately; and I think they were on to something. Last week I wrote about how Celtic Christians prayed for protection. They also prayed about their daily lives. Nothing seemed off-limits for a proper prayer. Inspired by the Celtic prayers I've been reading and praying; I've found myself more aware that the Lord is with me.
Psalms 118:6-7 says, The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies. For a while now, God has blessed me by helping me think about Him first thing when I wake from the night’s sleep. I practice acknowledging our relationship and the beginning of the new day. Lately, I've added searching the sky to catch any glimpse still available to me of the sunrise. I have begun to consider the sunrise as a personal message of God’s faithfulness and goodness to me. The best solution I've found to remembering to pray more and remain in touch with the fact that the Lord is with me is to let the heavens remind me to pray. When I get a chance to be outside like walking to my car, I've been glancing up at the sapphire dome that envelops our earth, taking in the mystery of God’s love and protection. Becoming more in touch with the heavens has reminded me to pray; it has helped me be more aware of the fact that God is with me. That same beautiful sky that has been covering me every day has become a prayer book of sorts. Monks have the privilege of called times of prayer and mainly the work of prayer. It’s so easy for us who are dealing with the daily drudgeries of life to quickly forget how to organize our lives around prayer. Brother Lawrence is most famous for teaching the same manner of prayer to everyone from monks, to rulers, to military soldiers, to housewives. He taught that thinking of God’s presence in every action of our life is practicing His presence. He admits that it often takes years to reach this kind of rapt attention to God. I've been trying for years and have found that paying more attention to the world God has created helps me pay more attention to God Himself.
The Lord is with you. He is right there right now as you read this devotion. You may or not be aware of it, but He is there with you. This fact teaches a truth about God—He is there night and day whether or not we pay attention to His presence or become fully aware that He is with us. It’s His mysterious presence that caused you to read on and consider this idea that has helped me grow.
I invite you to try my new prayer book. Look to the heavens as often as you can and consider the God who covered our universe with such a spectacular display of His power and might. Ask God to help you look up to the heavens and remember that He is with you. Let a glimpse into the heavens remind you of God’s flawless character. Move one step closer to remembering that The Lord is With You!
Copyright © 2010. Deborah R. Newman. All Rights Reserved.
Dr. Deborah Newman
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Day Spring
When Home is More Than a Zip Code
I've lived on three different continents in the last ten years. And I'm learning that home is much more than four walls and a familiar neighborhood. Home is the God who understands each of the unique languages, thoughts, hopes and dreams of our individual hearts. Nothing can separate us from His love. Not time zones or cultures or the things we wish we could change about ourselves.
Christ is the bridge.
He brings us back into the deep heart of God. No matter where we're coming from. Out of emptiness or loss or disaster, Christ brings us back to His Father. The only real home we can always count on.
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20 NIV
May you find welcome and home in Him.
by Lisa-Jo - the Gypsy Mama - who lives between countries, callings, and kids, and loves being the Community Manger for (in)courage.
(in)courage is the place and space built by DaySpring to be an online home for your heart, you might imagine it as a bit like a beach house. You can put your sandy, dirty feet on the coffee table, laugh late into the night with friends, and also hear God's voice clearer than perhaps anywhere else. Life just feels more vibrant and real, as if you've stumbled upon a glimpse of heaven and it's nothing like you ever imagined but everything you'd always hoped. We've said from the start the start the beach house isn't ours. It belongs to God and we're its caretakers. With you at the heart of it all.
An amazing thing happened as I took son to college
As I woke up on last morning to take son to college I saw above each bed in our hotel room a picture of gardens with table of teacups, teapot, and flowers. God was showing me that this journey I am on is the path He wants me on and I am so excited to see where He takes me. I am excited to spread His word to many that may not know Him through tea and devotion. God is an awesome God and always right there beside you.
Traveling tea with Jesus
Have a blessed day as God reveals himself to you each day. Don't miss out on what He will show you next.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
3 kinds of tea
Tea Tidbits
True Friends... accept each other honor each other care for each other bear each other's burdens encourage each other open themselves to each other forgive each other build trust with each other encourage each other's growth give each other freedom hold each other accountable always, always love each other.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Gift of Lightheartedness
The ability to be silly together adds a special quality to the fun in any friendship. That's because it takes a lot of trust to let down your guard and act a little undignified , even with someone you love. When you feel free to act absolutely goofy with a friend, you understand most fully the freedom a friendship can grant.
Think about it. When was the last time you grabbed a friend and went to the park to swingor shared impersonations of people you both know or sat down on the floor and colored to your heart's content or bought yourself balloons to carry through the mall. When was the last time you found yourself really giggling?
Count yourself blessed if you have a friend who doesn't mind that kind of silliness or, even better, who wants to do it with you.
For that matter, count yourself blessed for all the fun you have with your friends!
This is from the book titled The Twelve Teas of Friendship
Traveling Tea with Jesus prays you have a blessed and fun Wednesday!
Teatime Tidbits
Our first Traveling TEA with Jesus Monday at Meridian Manor
There women were adorable that we spent time with today at our first Traveling Tea with Jesus. We shared a devotion, tea, scones and Tea Time Bingo. How about Louella with her hat. We had some others that wore hats but I guess in this picture they had them off. What a great group!
The devotion we shared with them today was from The Tea Time Devotions. If you have not checked this devotional out do so with some tea.
Have a TEA-RRRRRIFIC Tuesday! Enjoy your cup of tea with Jesus!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Jesus could have rained down manna from the Heavens or provided a rock gushing with water and a flock of quail, just as it happened in the book of Exodus when the Hebrews wandered in the wilderness with Moses. He could have had fig trees sprout up from the ground and grow before their eyes, limbs bent over and lushly burdened with fruit. Jesus could have sucked up the fish from the Sea of Galilee in a tempest and plopped them at the crowd’s feet. Instead, he asked his disciples to get involved and took a few mundane, everyday things to work His miracle.
Life Lesson: Biblical perspective on the end times
Experience It: Living in the power of the Holy Spirit
Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion on the crowd because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. And I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way” (Matthew 15:32).
Why get them involved? He wanted the disciples to share in His compassion for the crowd. He wanted them to offer what they could to the cause. He wanted them to give and watch as He began to multiply that gift. And He wanted those who had nothing left to give to rejoice when they learned that He can provide all our needs. Most likely his disciples were hungry as well. But by sharing what little there was to be found, their hearts were filled as well as their stomachs.
So many times, God is working in the background of our lives with the little stuff. We want a huge miracle – a “poof” that changes things in an instance. Then we get disappointed when God doesn’t rush in like Superman with the music blaring to save the day. But if we stick with Jesus, even when our resources run dry, we can be assured that He will provide for our needs just as He did for those thousands. If He had preformed that miracle two days prior, it would not have meant as much because those people would have had still had some of their own provisions.
Never think you have nothing to offer, and never believe that God will not provide enough for you to give. There is healing in both the receiving and the giving. He wants you to be part of the process for your sake and for the sake of others. God has compassion for this crowd called humanity that is so hungry for Him in their lives.
When you reach out to another person and give them a small part of what you have, be it a dollar bill, your time or a smile, God can do wonders with it.
When someone offers you a small something, know that God’s hand is in that as well. Don’t discount it because it is not the huge miracle you were praying to receive. Just like one of the loaves of bread that day on the side of the mountain, whatever it is you receive from someone else, believe it is a gift from God. Break it, save just enough to meet your urgent need, then pass the rest on and watch the domino effect of God’s love work. That’s your miracle. That is why it is better to give than receive. You become a part of the process, part of the crowd, part of the compassion.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Gods Still Small Voice
Remember the "one another" scriptures and try to follow them during your day. Reach out to others and allow others to connect with and support you..
Anxiety is directly related to absence of humility.
Psalm 121
Enjoy your tea today and remember be in God's word.
Traveling Tea with Jesus
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Our first attempt traveling with tea today
We had fun getting out our tea cups, teapots and steeping the tea.
Monday is our big day at the assisted living. I have my tea cart ready along with our tea. We are going to serve their tea in tea cups and when the tea is poured into the cup it forms a heart. They are so pretty. Of course I have them online at my website www.tealightfultreasures.net/tea along with some wonderful tea
choices. We are also going to be playing Tea Time Bingo and they will be able to win some great prizes!
I am so excited to be able to share tea with those less fortunate and share a devotion from The Tea Lover's Devotional by Emilie Barnes.
Traveling TEA with Jesus
Mark 4:19 The worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
If we are not on guard, the things of the world will enter into our homes and rob us of contentment. We get trapped in :we need this"; we don't have enough of that"; if only my kitchen was bigger";...Do these joy-robbing phrases sound familiar? Have you uttered a few of them?
I encourage you to take a moment to be refreshed. Instead of focusing on a home beautiful, contemplate a home filled with the spirit of loveliness- the spirit of warmth and caring.
No matter how little or how much you have, you can experience the results of having a godly home. A place to be reenergized, pray and dream.
God is spirit, and those who worship Him must wrship in spirit and truth. John 4:24
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
5-6 cups of tea a day - Why?
because . . .
• contains 1/3 less caffeine than coffee or cola
• helps reduce fatigue
• maintains mental alertness
• stabilizes fluid levels
• is fat free and calorie free (without milk or sugars)
The antioxidant in tea may help prevent . . . cancers of the mouth, stomach, pancreas, lungs, esophagus, colon, breast and prostate.
The antioxidants in a single cup of tea equal those in one serving of vegetables.
Tea’s flavanoids prevent heart disease by
• reducing blood clotting
• lowering blood pressure
• lowering cholesterol
A study conducted by Harvard University researchers found that those who consumed one or more cups of black tea per day had more than a 40 percent lower risk of having a heart attack compared to non-tea drinkers.
Tea is a rare source of natural fluoride which inhibits growth of the oral bacteria and enzymes responsible for dental plaque.
Tea is also a rich source of manganese, necessary for healthy bones, and of potassium which regulates the heartbeat.
Other valuable vitamins and minerals found in tea include . . . vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, and calcium.
Eating Well Magazine named tea "Beverage of the Year" for its health benefits and mass appeal to consumers searching for an alternative to soft drinks and coffee.
So is tea good for you? You bet it is!
And tea is one of the least expensive beverages available today . . . costing just pennies per cup.
Have a cup of great tea today!
Traveling Tea with Jesus
Inspired pot of tea
Inspired pot of tea
Preparing a perfect cup of tea take time, but the flavor and excellence is worth it!
1. Fill a teakettle with freshly drawn cold water. Put the kettle on to boil.
2. While the kettle is heating, pour hot water into the teapot to warm it. Ceramic (china, porcelain, stoneware) or glass teapots work best; tea brewed in metal may have a metallic taste.
3. Pour the hot water out of the teapot and add the tea. Measure a spoonful of loose tea for each cup desired into the warmed (empty) teapot, lus 1 extra spoonful for the pot. (Most teapots hold 5-6 cups.)
If you are using tea bags, use one bag less than the desired number of cups. Put the lid back on.
4. As soon as the kettle comes to a rolling boil, remove from heat. Overboiling causes the water to lose oxygen, and the resulting brew will taste flat.
5. Pour boiling water into the teapot, cover, and let the teabrew from 3-6 minutes. Small tea leaves will take less time to brew than large ones.
6. Gently stir the tea before pouring it through a tea strainer into the teacups. If you used tea bas, remove them.
The Care of a Teapot
In previous centuries, protecting precious tea ware was the responsibility of he housekeeper, who stored it in her sitting room "below stairs." She oversaw the tea suppl, brewed tea for "above stairs," and washed the gragile tea china. The best method was, and is, to rinse the teapot with warm water (no soap) and let it air dry. Tannin buildup vanishes when the pot is gently scrubbed with a wet cloth dipped in baking soda or by filling the pot with soda and warm water, and soaking. A lump of sugar in the teapot absorbs moisture and keeps it smelling fresh.
Enjoy your tea!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tea Time Bingo
I would love to do more tea tasting events at assisted living homes.
You can check out my tea cups and tea at www.tealightfultreasures.net/tea
Have a blessed evening!
Traveling Tea with Jesus
Rooibos Tea and benefits- more info
Rooibos teas are herbal infusions made from a South African red bush and sometimes called "red tea." There are also green Rooibos teas that are just as delicious as the popular red teas. Rooibos teas are delicious iced or hot and come in a wide variety of flavors.
Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea:
•High in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
•May help control allergies and fight colds
•Good for your skin and complexion
•Helps improve digestion
•Naturally caffeine-free
White tea
White teas are appreciated by tea connoisseurs for their unmatched subtlety, complexity, natural sweetness, and delicacy. Least processed (steamed and dried), these teas have very little caffeine.
Health Benefits of White Tea:
•Extremely high amount of antioxidants
•May inhibit the growth of certain forms of cancer
•May reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
•Excellent for skin and complexion
•Approximately 1% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee
Q&A with Jennifer Rothschild
Author of Self Talk, Soul Talk
What is soul talk?
Over the years, I have gradually learned what to say when I talk to myself, and that has truly made all the difference in my life. After years of struggling beneath the weight of my own slander and lies, I have learned to speak truth into my soul. It’s what I call soul talk.
How does soul talk work?
Everybody practices self talk, but few of us actually take time to think about the things we say to ourselves. The process is so natural we don’t even notice it. Amazingly, much of our self talk is false. The words we say shape the way we think about ourselves. They influence our emotions, our thoughts, and our decisions. They resurface in our conversations with other people. They can spur us on to live meaningful, productive lives, or they can drag us down to lethargy and despair. Soul talk is about replacing the lies you may have been telling yourself with the truth.
What kinds of struggles with self talk have you had personally?
My steady flow of disapproving thoughts and self talk once formed a constant stream. I badgered, nagged, devalued, and said cutting words to myself. At times, all those dark, negative put-downs have felt like a raging river, tossing me mercilessly until I thought I might drown in my own self-condemnation.
What was the physical setback that you faced in your teens?
At the age of 15, I became legally blind due to a disease called retinitis pigmentosa. Even though I received that difficulty with grace and resolve, the extra challenges of the disability and the knowledge that blindness was inevitable brought even more opportunities for me to struggle with negative thoughts and destructive self talk. For me, blindness is a circumstance that opens the door to a host of other bewildering issues. One of the biggest daily realities I face is the stress of not being able to drive, read, or enjoy independence.
What is the paradox of emotions?
If you try to think with your feelings, you’ll fall into all manner of false conclusions. Emotions are supposed to serve and strengthen us. Left to themselves, however, they enslave and deplete us. We need a thought closet well stocked with timeless truth, or we will clothe ourselves with the feelings of the moment.
How important is physical well-being including exercise and healthy eating?
Living a healthy lifestyle is so important to our mental well-being. Never discount the impact of physical wellness on our souls’ wellness. Feelings of despair might really be our bodies’ signal that we need to meet some basic needs. Your body needs adequate rest, healthy food, and moderate exercise.
How important is mental well-being? How can we stimulate this?
Brains like to be challenged. Your mind needs to have something to do, or it will create something to do—something that might not be so constructive. If you don’t fully strengthen your brain, it will wiggle and jiggle itself just to alleviate the dullness and find a channel for all its energy. Spend a few minutes each day reading something that interests and challenges
you. Pick up a journal and record your thoughts and questions. Join a book club or audit a class from your local university. Feed your curiosity and you’ll stimulate an enjoyable, insatiable hunger.
How important is our spiritual well-being?
Hopelessness, fear and depression often grow out of unsatisfied longings. C.S. Lewis said, “If I can find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” We can try to fill the longing with relationships, religion, volunteerism, or just being good. But the deep ache from the bottom of our souls can only be satisfied in a relationship with God.
Is it healthy to remember the past? What memories should we revisit?
The real power of any moment is fully realized when it is remembered. The experience might have been painful or pleasant, but its intensity and meaning grow when we remember and reflect upon it. Remembering is essential to the health of our souls. So we must tell our souls to look back often. Memories store great anthologies of stories that tell us who we are. They become intimate reminders of our personal histories. However, tell your soul to look back only at what is profitable. Profitable memories are those that add to your soul wellness rather than subtract from it.
How destructive can fear become in our lives? What’s the alternative?
We can’t ever side with fear, because fear is never on our side. And we can’t let fear and despair shake and intimidate us. Fear betrays; hope never does. Fear and despair make us quiver; hope makes us unshakable. Rather than giving into fear and despair, we tell our souls to hope. Hope will always be on your side, cheering you on and defending you. Hope anchors us because it provides spiritual grounding. Hope brings stability to every part of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We speak the language of hope when we tell our souls to look up.
How can we cope with our busy lifestyles? Where can we find time to rest?
Life is busy. The demands are great, and we seem to have no time for rest. So much of our self-talk is directed at revving ourselves up. Excessive revving up, however, only leads to petering out. Daily we must tell ourselves to chill out. Rest isn’t only for our tired bodies. Weary souls need it too—our wills, our minds, and our emotions. The choice to rest is ours.
How can we press on despite fear and failure?
Steady, small actions will slowly reduce the big feeling that is paralyzing you. Just because you have failed at something does not mean you are a failure. If you quit, the world will be lacking what you alone bring to it. If you continue to feed your feelings of failure and defeat, those dark emotions will grow, creeping across your soul like long winter shadows. But if you begin to starve those feelings, they will slowly die.
How can we become less selfish and “others centered”?
It’s our nature to lift ourselves up, to be egocentric. Looking back at my life, I can say for sure that the most miserable times of my life have been when I was the most self-centered, self-aware and self-promoting. When we tell our souls to get the spotlight off our own preoccupations and onto the needs of others, we reopen the potential for joy in our lives. Only selfless, other-centered people are truly happy. They have learned the all-important key. When we lift others up, we grow stronger, healthier and happier.
Written by Jennifer Rothschild
Have a Tea-rrrific day!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Rooibos Tea and benefits
Although caffeine is good for you in small quantities, alot of people don't realize that and try to avoid it. However, rooibos tea is unique in that it doesn't contain any caffeine, so for all you "non-caffeine folks" heres your perfect drink!
In case you were wondering..it's pronounced (Roy-Boss).
Looking for botanical information on Red Tea? The Botany of Rooibos can provide you with some insight.
This is a perfect drink for pregnant mothers who are afraid of getting too much caffeine in their diet, but are looking for natural ways to improve their health.
Rooibos has many health benefits.
Unlike other teas, red tea comes from the plant Aspalathus Linearis located only in the mountains surrounding the Cape of Good Hope.
When this tea is fermented, it turns a color that which may surprise you. Most teas, depending on how they are fermented, turn a greenish to a brown or black color. However, this tea is a little different. It turns red! The type of fermentation and the infusion time necessary to turn this tea red is essential to enhance it's breath-taking flavor.
I know green tea is probably the common world's most common tea right now because of it's antioxidant benefits, but guess what!? It is said that rooibos tea contains almost 50% more antioxidants than green tea..however more studies are needed to confirm this.
It can help relieve conditions such as:
Have conditions such as hay fever, asthma, or eczema? Rooibos is on the call to help you in your time of need!
Try Some Green Rooibos (Organic)
Do you spend all your hard earned money on "miracle creams" that supposedly help you to appear like you've stop aging? Let me give you a hint..YOU ARE WASTING YOUR MONEY! Rooibos tea is proven to help slow down the aging process and let you stay as beautiful as you already are. It contains an element known as "alpha-hydroxy" which is a mineral that helps your skin to stay smooth so it doesn't look like your getting older.
There are many ways in which this "jack of all trades" tea can be brewed and prepared.
After you've bought some rooibos tea for yourself, go here to find out how to prepare it!
Powerful cancer-fighting and beauty-ehancing antioxidants, low price, no caffeine, great taste..what more can you ask for?
Check out our tea www.tealightfultreasures.net/tea
Caffeine Tea Chart
Rooibos Tea and Herbal Tea - 0mg
Decaf Tea - 2-4mg
White Tea - 5-15mg
Green Tea - 8-20mg
Oolong Tea - 20-55mg
Black Tea - 25-100mg
Coffee - 80-175mg
Mountain Dew - 55mg
Pepsi One - 55mg
Diet Coke - 45.6mg
HIstory of Tea
The legend of tea begins with Shen Nung, an early Chinese emperor who ruled over 5,000 years ago.
He was a skilled scientist and patron of the arts, and very conscious of his health. While he was boiling water one day, (he boiled water as a hygienic precaution) a gust of wind came by and blew some leaves from a nearby bush into his pot of water. Being that he was a scientist, he observed that the water turned a brownish color and that it must have meant something chemical happened to the water. He decided to try it and after finding it very satisfying, tea officially became a beverage. The history of tea was literally started by accident. You can read more in our recent article - Ancient Chinese Tea.
The History of Tea - The First Book
After spreading through the Chinese culture for centuries, the first book on tea was finally written in 800 A.D. During his mid-life, Lu Yu spent 5 years in seclusion and contemplated his life. As he tried to draw meaning out of it, he began to write down everything he observed, learned and practiced about the various methods of tea preparation and cultivation in ancient China. Thus the first book about tea, Ch'a Ching, was created.
The History of Tea in Japan
Japan was first introduced to tea when the Buddhist priest Yeisei observed the incredible benefits of tea for religious meditation. Once tea was introduced in Japan, it spread like wildfire through the royal court, monasteries, and other sections of Japanese society. Yeisei became known as the "Father of Tea" in Japan. Tea became so popular in the Japanese culture that it became an art form, which led to the creation of the Japanese Tea Ceremony. Lafcadio Hearn, an Irish-Greek journalist-historian was one of the very few foreigners to be granted Japanese citizenship during this era. He wrote that the Japenese Tea Ceremony requires years of experience and practice to graduate, and yet the whole idea consists of being able to make and pour a cup of tea in the most perfect, polite, graceful, and most charming manner possible.
Things weren't always so glamorous for tea in China however. The more popular this ceremony became, the more the idea of this original zen concept was lost. After time, the tea ceremony became corrupted with wealthy families having "tea tournaments" in which they would compete against each other for prizes for having named the correct type of tea blend.
Things only started to turn for the better when three Zen priests restored the original idea of tea to the Japanese culture. Their names were Ikkyu, Murata Shuko, and Sen-no Rikkyu. After decades of fighting to restore the tradition, they finally succeeded and the Japanese Tea Ceremony was restored to it's original idea.
History of Tea in Europe
By the time Europe began hearing rumors of tea in the early 1600's, they were just starting to become advanced in their navy. When tea landed in Europe, Rembrandt was only six years old and Elizabeth I was still alive. At this time, tea was very expensive, costing over $100 per pound, which made it a delicacy that was only available to the extremely wealthy. As the amount of tea which was imported increased, the price fell and it was now available to places like apothecaries and common food shops throughout Holland. However this didn't happen until 1675.
As consumption rose, the health benefits of tea began to become controversial between doctors and university authorities. This controversy lasted from 1635 to roughly 1657, and during this period France and Holland consumed the most tea.
This tea craze swept throughout Europe, and it became a common thing that people now had to drink. Tea sets were now coming out, and it was starting to be served in restaurants. People were now having "tea parties" outside their houses with a few guests.
History of Tea in America
The history of tea in America doesn't begin until 1650 or so, when the Dutch were trading with the western world. The first tea was brought to America by a colonist named Peter Stuyvesant. Tea was widely accepted in America, and it was drank more in the small colonies of America than throughout all of England combined.
England's History of Tea
The first batches of tea didn't reach England until about 1652-1654, due to the fact that they weren't trading in the Chinese or East Indian trading routes until then. When it hit England however, it spread rapidly and replaced ale as the national drink of England. As early as 1600, Elizabeth I founded the John Company in order to promote Asian trade. Now that tea was introduced to England, they finally had a leg to stand on. The John Company became the most powerful monopoly to ever exist in the world, and it's ultimate power was based on the importation of tea.
Afternoon Tea is Born
As tea importation rose radically throughout England, from 40,000 pounds in 1699 to 240,000 pounds in 1708, it was beginning to get through to all levels of society.
During this time, Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, began to invite friends over for an afternoon meal in the Belvoir Castle. The meal consisted of small cakes, bread and butter sandwiches, sweets, and tea. This common practice was soon widely accepted and practiced throughout the country. The tea would be heated up and made in the kitchen, and brought out to the hosts and their guests to be drank. The purpose of these meetings was to relax and have good conversations.
Tea Affects More Parts of the Culture
As tea became more popular, it began to diffuse into different parts of European culture. They began to have different types of tea with different meals in the day, coffee shops began selling tea as well as coffee, and the wealthy began to create "tea gardens" in their yards for decoration and to enjoy their own tea.
History of Tea in Russia
Russia began their interest in tea as early as 1618, but since the cost was so high to get it imported, only the wealthy could attain it. They had to make a trip which was 11,000 miles long and took over sixteen months to complete, so getting tea wasn't the easiest task in the world. However, by the time 1796 came around and Catherine the Great died, importing tea was starting to become easier, prices dropped, and it became available to the middle class. The Russians tend to favor tea which is very strong and highly sweetened with sugar, honey, or jam.
Tea remains a powerful influence in Russian society today, and along with Vodka, is still the the national drink of Russia.
The History of Tea Starts To Get Rough In America
After the French and Indian War was completed, the colonists of America became very upset because the cost of the war was mostly put on them. Since they had to pay for the war, England began putting strict tax laws in the colonies. They put higher taxes on newspapers, tavern licenses, legal documents, marriage licenses, and docking papers. The colonists rebelled, which caused Parliament to put an even higher tax on everything as punishment.
History of Tea - The Boston Tea Party
The final straw happened after this extra tax was put on them. The colonists rebelled again by openly purchasing large amounts of imported tea, which was mostly Dutch in origin. The John Company started to become deeply in debt, and eventually joined forces with the East India Company in order to recoup their losses from the tea. However, the colonists got wind of this plan and devised a plan of their own. The colonists began to openly convey at meetings to boycott the drinking of tea until they got their rights back, and on December 16 they threw hundreds of pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor. You can read more about this interesting bit of tea history in our recent article, Boston Tea Party.
History of Tea - The Opium Wars
Now that America was refusing to get tea from England, the John Company needed to find another way to recoup the money they were losing. They then turned to growing opium in China, for opium has an addictive nature and they figured the sales would be lifelong.
Chinese emperors obviously didn't want this, and tried their best to force distance between England and China. The Opium wars broke out because England wanted free rights to trade opium, and by 1842 they had enough military advantages to enable them to sell opium in China undisturbed until 1908.
Not wanting England to succeed like they were, America fought back once again. They built newer, faster ships which outpaced England's ships, and forced the English navy to update their fleet. Three gentlemen by the names of Stephen Girard, John Jacob, and Thomas Perkins were the millionaires who started this quest. Between the three of them they were able to fund critical loans to the American government to keep it afloat, gain the respect of China, and break the English tea monopoly that was corrupting the tea business.
The History of Tea - Iced Tea And Teabags Are Created
After this time, America began to grow more powerful in every way. By 1904, they were ready for the world to their their development at the St. Louis World's Fair. Trade exhibitors came from around the world to show off their product. One merchant named Richard Blechynden planned to give away free samples of his tea products, but a heat wave hit and nobody wanted to drink the hot tea. Not knowing what to do, he decided to dump ice in the tea, and "Iced Tea" was born. Iced tea became the hit of the fair from pure luck.
The history of tea was sealed when bagged tea was invented only four years after iced tea came out. This happened when Thomas Sullivan realized that the restaurants he sold his "wrapped tea" to were selling it in their restaurants still in the bag, to avoid a mess of tea leaves. Thus "tea bags" were invented.
There is a big difference between the tea bags you can get in a supermarket and high-quality tea bags you can get from a few select stores online.
Tea Turns Social
Beginning in the late 1880's, fine hotels began to serve tea service in tea rooms and tea courts. Originally planned for conversations, Victorian ladies and their partners would meet for conversations while having a cup of tea. This became a sign of elegance in cities like New York and Boston.
By 1910 hotels around the country began to host "tea dances". These tea dances became a craze throughout the country, although widely shunned by older folks. These tea dances were noted for being a place where young girls could come to have some fun and possibly meet a man to begin courting.
The History Of Tea - Today
Today tea is more popular than ever, and is the second most consumed drink in the world, losing only to water. Scientific studies are coming out regularly which are showing the health benefits of tea, which perfectly fits the idea of people trying to live more healthy lives. Tea is no longer expensive to buy, and is considered by some to be not just a drink, but a part of their lives.