Thank you for joining my blog. I would love to share some tea with you.

We share tea and talk tea at assisted living homes, private homes and community centers. We play Teago Bingo with prizes for winners. We are also doing mystery tea events.

If you would like more info on our tea tasting events, mystery teas or want to receive a free sample of tea please email or call 763-370-2980. Love to hear from you!

Spend time being refreshed by God's Word with a cup of tea. Relax in a comfy chair that gets some afternoon sun. Reflect on the goodness of life.

Real joy comes not from ease or riches or
from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile. Wilfred T. Grenfell

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. Ps 100:4

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Blessings to you and your family. Have
a TEA- rrrific day.

Email me for a free sample of tea!

Traveling TEA With Jesus

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What turns your crank?

I had not read my devotion from this book when we were on vacation and had to share this.  I read the one for Nov. 22nd today and it was so cool and knew God was speaking to me today.  This one was the devotion for the first day of the teas we did in Texas.

Rom. 12:6
We all have different gifts,each of which came because of the grace God gave us.
In the formative years of my childhood, my parents were the human factors that provided the nourishment I needed to befgin growing.  They put me on a playing field where the game of life began.  With their teachings as a springboard, I started making decisions that caused me to be the person I am today, for good or bad.
As I branched out and began seeing patterns form, traveling revealed an adventuresome side of my temperament.  I went here, did this, saw that, and felt thus and so.  My friend Mary says, "People do what makes sense to them, " and it's true.  We all have to determine what makes sense to us and do it, whether or not it seems logical to anyone else.  We don't live fully until we do this for ourselves.  Some of the things that make sense to me are art, music, photography, literature, and theater.  These are the considerations in life that turn my crank, make me think, and fill my heart with appreciation and wonder.  They are vehicles that transport me into the light that illuminates and enriches my journey.
What are the things that transport you into the light?  What makes sense to you?  If you don't yet know, it may be time to look around you and discover what turns your crank!   Luci Swindoll.

Sit, sip your cup of tea and ponder.  LIsten to His voice today and be in His word.

Tea book

Saw this book today while I was waiting to pick up our son's prescription at drugstore.  Thought it was another good book to buy for my tea collection and ideas.  Can't have enough of tea books, teacups and teapots!  Love my tea!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Great idea for Christmas tea

A friend told me today of something she was and wanted to pass along to me for a teacup idea.
Cupcakes, scones- put a miniture candy cane in edge of cupcake or scone and looks like a teacup with handle.  I was so excited for her to share and can't wait to do for my teas in December!
Enjoy that cup of tea or two today.  Have you read the Word today and shared?


Thanksgiving week -Tea in Texas

It was just wonderful the week of Thanksgiving.  We had 3 days of preparing tea for assisted living homes and group homes.  It was so wonderful to meet all the people we met over tea.  Ech one that we met touched our lives. They were so happy and excited to share a cup of tea with us along with a devotion and Tea Bingo.  We were truly blessed to have met everyone.  I think and pray for them each day.  They were all such beautiful people. 
Each day we had two events.  It was so much fun to travel to each one.  God so knew who we were to meet.  God showed us the wonderful qualities in each person. 
Met a woman who did not like tea but decided she did after she tried it and learned more about the tea benefits.  Met another woman who liked our heart shaped teacup so much that she purchased one.  
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to share tea with those we met in Texas.  He was present at each one. 
 I received a phone call from Linda after we had tea at their group home and said that their residents enjoyed the tea and time together and felt Jesus' presence  After I received that call it brought tears to my eyes as I could hear God speaking to me and saying, " Continue on this journey I have you on.  Stay strong and spread My Word.  "
If God willing I am praying that we will be able to do some teas in February in Texas.  We have a Christmas tea in December along with doing a tea tasting at a home and an event in Delano for this coming Saturday. 
Pray that God will bring us people who enjoy tea as much as I do.
I thank my daughter and my husband for helping me as I could not have done it without them. 
My life continues to see the many wonderful people God has created.  I enjoy having tea with new people.
Blessings for your Monday.
Check out our teas at  Tea makes great Christmas presents- stocking stuffers!
When you are pressed for time, you can do tea. When you want to create a splendid event, you can do tea.  When your budget is tight , you can do tea. When the sky is the limit, you can do tea. Even if you can't cook, you can do tea!
Let us know if you would like us to  come to your assisted living or group home or private home for a tea, devotion and Tea Bingo. Love to meet  you!
Traveling Tea with Jesus


Thursday, November 25, 2010

My reading today is about heart physics.
Great changes can happen because of changes at the smallest level..... The level of the heart.
Take control over the one thing that you can do something about: your thoughts. Study the New Testament scriptures about faith and righteousness. Your view of life will change and you will be filled with confidence and peace.
Have you had your cup of tea yet?
Sip and enjoy.


Thanks be to God

What is God wanting you to do today?
Take a few moments this Thanksgiving and be with him.
Sit and sip your tea and just be with Him.
He wants you to know how much He loves you and cares for you.
I am sitting here looking around at the beauty God has created here in Kemah Texas.
There is some wind, water, boats,
birds, people, sunshine, clouds, bikers, walkers. We were invited to stay at a friend's guest home in Kemah. I know God is present. He brought us here for a reason and purpose. I don't have my tea yet but will soon. I do have my Bible and reading His word for today.
Thanking God this Thanksgiving for friends, family and for strangers.
I love Him more and more each day.
Have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving.
Hear His voice today and thank Him for all He has done.
Enjoy His Word over your favorite cup of tea.

Traveling Tea with Jesus


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Etiquette and tea

From the book The Tea Lover's Devotional by Emulie Barnes
Serve tea from the right. The person being served wl hold cup in left hand.
Prevent lipstick on teacup, blot lipstick before tea.
Scones eaten in small bite-sized pieces.
Milk or cream after tea poured.
After being hosted for tea write thank you.

A loving recipe for a perfect cup of tea
1 willing friend who loves to sit and share.
1 grateful heart to have a friend that cares
1 beautiful garden to show us God is near

Blessings and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

This was my devotion I wanted to share with you today. As we are visiting our son in Texas along with having some teas at assisted living homes we are truly blessed and God has allowed me to meet some wonderful people. Follow Gid's lead and listen each day for His word and what He has to say to you. Don't miss it. He is an awesome God and I thank Him each day for another day to be here with you all.
I will be writing shortly about all the wonderful things we did regarding tea and visit with our son.
Blessings. Enjoy your tea today with Jesus and family and friends.
Traveling tea with Jesus

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Magnesium and tea

You need or recommended 320 mg a day of magnesium. You can get that from tea, spinach, black beans, halibut.
Also research shows 50% likely to live longer if social.
Bring on the tea parties.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tea for colds

Green tea is excellent for preventing and treating colds.  Its immune-system boosters help fight off viruses, and the caffeine gives a gentle lift.  "Studies have shown that green tea (steeped 3-5 minutes) is the best food source of catechins, plant compounds that halt oxidative damage to cells.  Flavor it with fresh, anti-inflammatory ginger and pomegranate for an added nutrient punch.

Green tea with lemon and pomegranate  serves 2
Cover 2 tsp loose green tea or two teabags with 2 cups of boiling water,.2 thin slices of ginger, 1-2 lemon wedges, 1/4 c lightly crushed pomegranate seeds, and 2 tbsp. honey or to taste.  Let tea leaves or bag steep for 3-5 minutes and remove.  Enjoy!

I know after drinking tea for 3-4 years I do feel the difference in my body,colds, etc.
A cup of tea shared with friends is so much fun.  Try it sometime. Highly recommend.  It can be fun!


bGot this from a magazine I receive and thought I would share.

Don't mistake predictability for peace: Some of life's most important moments are born of chaos
While prayer may not change a situation, it may change the way you experience it. 
You'll gain more by facing up to fear than you ever will by running away

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Heart and God

A heart in tune with God is a heart that beats for others.  Bonnie Jensen

Tea benefits

33 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

By Meredith Walker

Tea has been an important beverage for thousands of years and has been a huge part of culture in countries around the world, forming major parts of ceremonies, trade routes and even starting revolutions. But tea isn’t just appreciated for its good taste and worldwide appeal, it also offers numerous health benefits. Here are a few health conscious reasons you should add a cup of tea to your daily routine.

Overall Health

Tea can be beneficial to your whole body as you can see from these great effects.

1.Tea contains antioxidants. Antioxidants can help slow down aging and help your cells to regenerate and repair. Teas of all varieties contain high levels of antioxidant polyphenols that can help keep your body healthier and some studies suggest even ward of some cancers.

2.Tea has less caffeine than coffee. While there are some potential health benefits to consuming moderate amounts of caffeine, drinking loads of it is hard on your heart and other organs. Tea can provide the pick me up of coffee but without the high levels of caffeine making you less jittery and helping you get to sleep when you want.

3.Tea helps keep you hydrated. Conventional wisdom held that caffeinated beverages actually dehydrated you more than they hydrated you. Recent research has shown, however, that caffeine doesn’t make a difference unless you consume more than 5 to 6 cups at a time. Tea has been shown to actually be more healthy for you than water alone in some cases because it hydrates while providing antioxidants.

Mental Health

Boost your brain and mental state with these benefits of tea.

4.Tea can create a calmer but more alert state of mind. Studies have shown that the amino acid L-theanine found in the tea plant alters the attention networks in the brain and can have demonstrable effects on the brain waves. More simply, tea can help you relax and concentrate more fully on tasks.

5.Tea lowers the chance of having cognitive impairment. Research on Japanese adults who consumed at least 2 cups of green tea daily found that those individuals had cut their risk of cognitive impairment by half.

6.Tea lowers stress hormone levels. Black tea has been shown to reduce the effects of a stressful event. Participants in a study experienced a 20% drop in cortisol, a stress hormone, after drinking 4 cups of tea daily for one month.

7.Tea eases irritability, headaches, nervous tension and insomnia. Red tea, also known as rooibos, is an herbal tea that originated in Africa. It has been show to have many relaxing effects that help reduce a wide range of irritations and inflammations on the body.

8.Tea can cause a temporary increase in short term memory. Not feeling on your game today? Try drinking some tea. The caffeine it contains may give you the boost you need to improve your memory, at least for a few hours.

Heart and Other Organs

Help protect your heart and other organs with these beneficial effects of tea.

9.Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Tea helps to prevent the formation of dangerous blood clots which are very often the cause of heart attacks and strokes. Some studies have even found that black tea drinkers were at a 70 percent lower risk of having a fatal heart attack.

10.Tea protects your bones. You don’t have to put milk in your tea for it to help out your bones. Studies have shown that regular tea drinkers have stronger bones than those of non tea drinkers, even when other variables were adjusted for. Scientists have theorized it may be a benefit of the phytochemicals in tea.

11.Tea may protect against heart disease. While more studies are needed for conclusive evidence, it has been suggested that regular consumption of green and black tea leads to a significant reduction in the risk of heart disease related heart attacks.

12.Tea can help lower cholesterol.A recent study in China has shown that the combination of a low-fat diet and tea produced on average a 16% drop in bad cholesterol over 12 weeks when compared to a control group simply on a low-fat diet. If you’re struggling to get your cholesterol under control, try adding tea to your diet to see if it helps.

13.Tea can help lower blood pressure. Drinking only half a cup of green or oolong tea a day could reduce your risk of high blood pressure by up to 50% and those that drink more can even further reduce their risk, even if they have additional risk factors.

14.Tea aids in digestion. Tea has been used in China for thousands of years as an after-meal digestive aid and it can help you as well due to the high levels of tannins it contains.

15.Tea helps inhibit intestinal inflammation. The polyphenols in green tea have been shown to have an effect on the intestinal inflammation caused by conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome allowing sufferers more comfort from a natural remedy.

16.Tea can reduce stomach cramps. Properties of red tea cause it to acts as anti-spasmodic agent and allowing it to aid in the relief of stomach cramps or even colic in infants.

Fitness and Appearance

Tea can not only help you feel good but look good too.
17.Tea helps protect your smile. While the stereotype of the tea-drinking Brits with horrible teeth may make you think otherwise, tea actually contains fluoride and tannins, both of which help reduce plaque buildup and tooth decay. Combined with a good dental hygiene regimen, this could keep your teeth healthier for longer.

18.Tea is calorie-free. Tea itself has no calories unless you choose to add sweeteners or milk, making it a satisfying, low-cal way to wake up and maybe even shed a few pounds.

19.Tea increases your metabolism. Is a slow metabolic rate keeping you from losing the weight you want? Some studies suggest that green tea may be able to boost your metabolic rate slightly, allowing you to burn an additional 70-80 calories a day. While this may not seem like much, over time it could add up.

20.Tea helps keep your skin acne-free. The antioxidants in green tea may have an effect on acne, and in some cases have been shown to work as well as a 4% solution of the much more harsh benzoyl peroxide.

21.Tea can help bad breath. A study at the University of Chicago has suggested that the polyphenols in tea can help to keep the bacteria that causes bad breath in check.

Illness and Disease

Check out these benefits of tea which may help prevent you from getting sick.

22.Tea strengthens your immune defenses. You may want to drink a cup of tea the next time a cold is going around your office. A recent study compared the immune activity in coffee drinkers to that of tea drinkers and found it to be much higher (up to five times) in those that chose tea. While it’s no guarantee against a cold, it sure couldn’t hurt.

23.Tea protects against cancer. While the exact types of cancer tea protects against are debated, recent research has suggested that lung, prostate and breast cancer see the biggest drop when green tea is consumed regularly. Again, there is no surefire way to prevent getting cancer, but having a cup of tea a day may is definitely worth the preventative benefits.

24.Tea can help prevent arthritis. Research suggests that older women who are tea drinkers are 60 percent less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who do not drink tea. The same effect has not been measured in older males, however, but additional studies may prove otherwise.

25.Tea can help fight the flu. Black tea may bolster your efforts to fight the flu as participants in a study who gargled with a black tea extract solution twice daily where more immune to the flu virus than those who didn’t.

26.Tea helps fight infection. Tea contains chemicals called alkylamine antigens which act similarly to some tumor cells and bacteria, boosting the body’s immune response. It has even been shown to have an effect on severe infections like sepsis.

27.Tea may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s Disease. New studies are suggesting that regular tea consumption may help protect the body from developing this neurological disorder.

28.Tea can prevent food poisoning. Catechin, one of the bitter ingredients found in green tea has been shown to effectively kill the bacteria which cause food poisoning and minimize the effects of the toxins that are produced by those bacteria.

29.Tea can lead to the inhibition of HIV. New research from the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has found that a substance found in green tea may inhibit the HIV virus from binding and can be a healthy part of a suppression regiment.

30.Tea may help prevent diabetes. There is some evidence to suggest that green tea helps lower the risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes, though future research is needed to confirm the association.

31.Tea can lower blood sugar. Tea contains catechin and polysaccharides which have been demonstrated to have a noticeable effect on lowering blood sugar.

32.Tea can prevent iron damage. Those suffering from iron disorders like haemochromatosis may be helped by drinking tea, which contains tannins that limit the amount of iron the body can absorb.

33.Tea can help with nasal decongestion. If you’ve got a bit of a cold, drinking black tea with lemon may help clear up some of the congestion that’s bothering you. Just make sure your body doesn’t become dependent on the treatment

Reasons for drinking tea

There are lots of reasons why I enjoy a hot cup of tea: I love the aroma of various flavors of tea; holding onto a hot tea mug warms my hands on a cold winter morning; sipping tea in front of the fireplace is a great way to relax. And those are just the feel-good reasons. If you're not drinking tea yet, read up on these 10 ways tea does your body good and then see if you're ready to change your Starbucks order!

1. Tea contains antioxidants. Like the Rust-Oleum paint that keeps your outdoor furniture from rusting, tea's antioxidants protect your body from the ravages of aging and the effects of pollution.

2. Tea has less caffeine than coffee. Coffee usually has two to three times the caffeine of tea (unless you're a fan of Morning Thunder, which combines caffeine with mate, an herb that acts like caffeine in our body). An eight-ounce cup of coffee contains around 135 mg caffeine; tea contains only 30 to 40 mg per cup. If drinking coffee gives you the jitters, causes indigestion or headaches or interferes with sleep -- switch to tea.

3. Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Unwanted blood clots formed from cholesterol and blood platelets cause heart attack and stroke. Drinking tea may help keep your arteries smooth and clog-free, the same way a drain keeps your bathroom pipes clear. A 5.6-year study from the Netherlands found a 70 percent lower risk of fatal heart attack in people who drank at least two to three cups of black tea daily compared to non-tea drinkers.

4. Tea protects your bones. It's not just the milk added to tea that builds strong bones. One study that compared tea drinkers with non-drinkers, found that people who drank tea for 10 or more years had the strongest bones, even after adjusting for age, body weight, exercise, smoking and other risk factors. The authors suggest that this may be the work of tea's many beneficial phytochemicals.

5. Tea gives you a sweet smile. One look at the grimy grin of Austin Powers and you may not think drinking tea is good for your teeth, but think again. It's the sugar added to it that's likely to blame for England's bad dental record. Tea itself actually contains fluoride and tannins that may keep plaque at bay. So add unsweetened tea drinking to your daily dental routine of brushing and flossing for healthier teeth and gums.

6. Tea bolsters your immune defenses. Drinking tea may help your body's immune system fight off infection. When 21 volunteers drank either five cups of tea or coffee each day for four weeks, researchers saw higher immune system activity in the blood of the tea drinkers.

7. Tea protects against cancer. Thank the polyphenols, the antioxidants found in tea, once again for their cancer-fighting effects. While the overall research is inconclusive, there are enough studies that show the potential protective effects of drinking tea to make adding tea to your list of daily beverages.

8. Tea helps keep you hydrated. Caffeinated beverages, including tea, used to be on the list of beverages thatdidn't contribute to our daily fluid needs. Since caffeine is a diuretic and makes us pee more, the thought was that caffeinated beverages couldn't contribute to our overall fluid requirement. However, recent research has shown that the caffeine really doesn't matter -- tea and other caffeinated beverages definitely contribute to our fluid needs. The only time the caffeine becomes a problem as far as fluid is concerned is when you drink more than five or six cups of a caffeinated beverage at one time.

9. Tea is calorie-free. Tea doesn't have any calories, unless you add sweetener or milk. Consuming even 250 fewer calories per day can result in losing one pound per week. If you're looking for a satisfying, calorie-free beverage, tea is a top choice.

10. Tea increases your metabolism. Lots of people complain about a slow metabolic rate and their inability to lose weight. Green tea has been shown to actually increase metabolic rate so that you can burn 70 to 80 additional calories by drinking just five cups of green tea per day. Over a year's time you could lose eight pounds just by drinking green tea. Of course, taking a 15-minute walk every day will also burn calories.

Read more:

Best Options
1. Which tea is better -- green, black, white?

There really isn't enough difference to get overly excited about. All teas generally contain the same amount of flavonoids. Green and black tea come from the same plants, but green tea is dried for a shorter time and doesn't go through a fermenting process used for black tea.

2. Are decaffeinated teas just as good for you?

Some companies use chemicals to decaffeinate tea; others use a water process. The chemical process removes more of the beneficial polyphenols, so read labels carefully when choosing decaf.

3. How do you brew a perfect cup of tea?

For hot tea:

Bring one cup of water per tea bag, or teaspoon of dried tea, to a rolling boil.

Measure the tea into a glass container (plastic and metal pick up unwanted flavors).

Pour the boiling water over your tea and steep to the desired strength. Steep too long and you'll get an acidic taste.

For iced tea:

Brew your tea with boiling water, as described above.

Chill with ice and keep in the fridge

Have you switched to tea yet?????

Enjoy your cup of tea today with God's word.

Steeping Tea

You will extract the most pleasure from fine tea, steeped with care.

The Minister of Fire & Water suggests the following a step-by-step ritual for steeping tea:

Heat Your Water

Fill your kettle with fresh, cold water and heat to a rolling boil — unless you’re making green or 100% White Tea. In that case, stop short of boiling to avoid “cooking” the delicate tea leaves.

Plan on about one teaspoon of tea or herbs or one tea bag per six-ounce cup. One six-ounce cup is the size of a traditional tea cup rather than a mug. If using full-leaf loose tea, place tea in infuser or teapot.

Time Your Steeping

Pour the heated water over the tea, cover if in a pot, and infuse to taste.

Enjoy Your Tea

Remove the tea bag or infuser, or use a strainer for the leaves. Pour the steaming tea into a cup and let it cool for a moment.

Sip. Enjoy the nuances, the complexity and character. This is drinking tea.

Monday, November 15, 2010

God's word

Joy is the net of love by which you can catch souls.  Mother Theresa

God has given us two hands-one to receive with, and the other to give with.  We are not cisterns made for hoarding- we are channels made for sharing.  Billy Graham

God blesses those who are kind to the poor.  He helps them out of their troubles.  He protects them and ..publicly honors them.  Ps 41:1-2

Tea on Friday

I had a wonderful tea tasting with 7 women on Friday.  It was so much fun.  They all enjoyed tea with others they had not met.  We had Christmas Morning Tea, Cupid's Superfruit Gogi Green Tea and Toasted Almond Spice Cake tea.  Toastaed Almond Spice Cake was talked about quite a bit  and enjoyed.  I know this one has been a favorite along with the other two.  We had some scones, pumpkin bread and cucumber dill with crackers.  It was a blessing to have those attend and learn about tea.  I left there thinking to myself I am blessed.  I got to meet some more women who enjoy tea as much as I do and if they did not they do now.  They were all lovely women.  Tea Bingo was also played that day and enjoyed.
I am excited to have a tea tasting in December at one of the women's home that attended the tea on Friday.  I get to meet some more women, do some tea tasting and talk about tea!  I am so enjoying what I am doing and thanking God for this opportunity to share with others about tea and share a tea devotion too.
I am so grateful to the one who has brought these women to me.  God is good.
Enjoy your cup of tea today with Jesus and His word.  I know He will share a message with you today.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Power of God

Your life can be a living testimony of the power of God; you can be an encouragement and inspire someone else as they run their race.  Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and the finish line ahead.

Thomas Edison performed more than 2000 experiments before he perfected a working lightbulb.  Your success may be a 2000 step process.  That is a quote by Thomas Edison.
 Success is the progressive realization of your goals.  Claim what God has already done in your life as you walk the pathway still ahead.
Wirte a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God for all  He has done in your life  as well as all He will be doing in the future.
Enjoy that cup of tea today.  Thankfulness tea.

It was a wonderful day today

I was invited by a friend to attend a tea at her church and it was very nice.  I got to try some different teas, scones, and sandwiches.  I was at a table of some wonderful and beautiful women who enjoy tea as much as I do.  They were all so nice.  It was fun to share some tea facts with them.  They all wanted my business card and want to learn more about what I do.  I was blessed to share with them.
The woman who put the tea on did a wonderful job.  I learned some more things about tea which was great.  
It was an enjoyable day with some new tea friends.  I am excited to meet some more new tea friends at my tea on Friday.  I am excited to meet them and share some Tealightful Treasures tea with them.  I pray that I will help them learn more about tea.  I pray that they will enjoy the tea I will be sharing with them.
I pray that all will enjoy each other's company over tea.  God brought these women together for a purpose on Friday and pray that each one is touched in some way with what is shared.
As I left the tea today and went to do an errand God put in front of me as I was driving a car that had the word JESUS on the trunk. It was so amazing as we talked at the tea earlier about I may limit the number of people I will reach at my teas due to calling it Traveling Tea with Jesus.  God showed me today by seeing this car with Jesus on it that I am following what He wants me to do.  I am excited to be on this journey.
I call it Traveling Tea with Jesus but I am an independent consultant for Tealightful Treasures and excited to share TEalightful Treasures Tea with others as I do these teas.  I pray that they will enjoy and think about purchasing some of our wonderful teas.
God bless your Thursday and enjoy your cup of tea today with His word.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Black tea and Rooibos tea

Certain types of teas are known to deal with stress. One main tea is black tea.

However there is another great option for those that don't care for caffeine, this option is "rooibos chai".

Rooibos chai is the red tea version of chai tea.
After brewing for 5-6mins, you can add fat free or low fat creamer, and sugar to taste.
Unlike the rooibos tea that does not require milk, creamer or sugar, it is recommended for the rooibos chai.
This tea is good to relax from the stressors of the day, and also a good antidepressant.

We have some great black tea and rooibos tea.  Check them out at
Some recommendations- Christmas Morning Tea, Coconut Dream , Spice is Nice, Pina Colada for black tea and Rooibos Tea - Rooibos Chai, French Chocolate MInt, Green Rooibos Peach.

Enjoy your tea!

Hibiscus tea

Delightfully fragrant and caffeine-free, hibiscus tea offers a bright spot of soothing herbal tea in a busy world. The exotic hibiscus flower is a tropical marvel, celebrated the world over for its many health benefits.

Hailing from Africa, hibiscus tea has traditionally been known to help cool the body and combat the sizzling heat of the Sahara. Rich in vitamin C and minerals, hibiscus is also revered as a mild tonic.

Superflower™ Power

Current studies suggest hibiscus is significantly effective in maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.* Further research suggests there are beneficial anti-inflammatory and mild anti-bacterial properties in hibiscus as well.* 3 cups a day is recommended.


This herbal blend is naturally caffeine-free.
Steeping is Easy

Heat fresh, filtered water to a rolling boil.

Add 1 teaspoon of herbs or 1 tea bag per six-ounce cup – the size of a traditional tea cup rather than a mug.

Steep tea for 5 to 7 minutes for herbal tea bags as well as full-leaf herbal tea.

For iced tea, double the amount of tea used, steep as above and pour over a generous amount of ice.

Experiment to find your favored steeping time. Enjoy Sip by Sip.

Green, White and Black Tea benefits

Health Benefits of  Green Tea

 •May help boost the immune system

•Includes polyphenols which may help prevent the growth of certain cancers

•Soothes the stomach and digestive system

•Regulates blood sugar

•Lower cholesterol

•Contains 5-10% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee.

White Tea

Health Benefits of White Tea:

•Extremely high amount of antioxidants

•May inhibit the growth of certain forms of cancer

•May reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

•Excellent for skin and complexion

•Approximately 1% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee

Black Tea

Health Benefits of Black Tea:

•Aids in lowering cholesterol

•May help regulate your blood sugar

•Gently stimulates the heart and circulatory system

•Promotes healthy teeth, skin and bones

•Contains 20% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee but no jitters like coffee

She forgot to worry

Enjoy your cup of tea with this devotion.  Click on link to get devotion.

Prayer and worry

Great one to read and remember God is right beside us.
Enjoy your cup of tea as you read.  Click the link above to get article.

November event

This week getting ready for a tea event on Friday with 8 women. It should be fun!

I am excited to share our Inside out teacups which are so beautiful and when you pour the tea into the cup the tea forms a heart. We will also be sharing tea, scones and tea bingo! Have a blessed day!

Traveling Tea with Jesus
Independent Consultant for Tealightful Treasures

Thought for the day

As you support others, the blessing of encouragement will come back to you. 
From this day onward I will bless you.  Haggai 2:19

Enjoy your cup of tea.  Try some of our Christmas Morning Tea.  Shared this with some neighbors last night and it is wonderful!



Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down.  Romans 12:15

Vendor Fair

It was a wonderful day on Saturday where I met some wonderful women who were very excited about their businesses.   We all had to share a bit about what we do.  What I like about Traveling Tea with Jesus  is the oppportunity to share with others and meet new friends.  I traveled to North Branch and had not been there before.  It was a pretty sunny day.  My daughter went with and helped. She did a great job.  I was blessed to have her with me. 
We shared ta with some women and sold some tea.  God blessed us with some new customers.  He is always there for us.

Thank you God for allowing me to be at this vendor fair and in a beautiful home with beautiful women in North Branch.  We got to see another area of Minnesota. 
Another opportunity to share Traveling Tea with Jesus and Tealightful Treasures! 
Looking forward to our tea on Friday and will be busy getting ready for that. I love what I do!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tea and events

I am excited for my vendor fair tomorrow and share TEalightful Treasures with others and also Traveling Tea with Jesus. 
Please pray that all will go well and that I can help educate others on tea.  I enjoy being around people and sharing tea.

Also, I have 8 people that will attend tea at Wimzeez in Long Lake Nov. 12th.  God brought 4 new people to me that I have not even met but talked with on the phone.  I am excited to meet them and have tea with them. 

Tea helps slow us down and meet others. 
Tea takes time and that is when we can relax, talk with others and sip the tea. 
I know I had mentioned before that I want to be more of a Mary these days and not so much a Martha.  Tea has helped me to do that along with reading God's word.
I am thankful for God's work in this event.  Help me to just be me and that God will bless all those who attend.  That is what it is all about.

Sip your tea today and take some time out for God's word.  It will be a blessing to you!

Upheld power to change devotion

Great devotion today.  God is holding you up. Thanking Him today for His love and care.
Enjoy your cup of tea today.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Friendship is a treasure. If you possess even one nugget of the real thing, you are rich.
Enjoy a cup of tea with a friend today.

Tea and Gratitude

The act of taking tea invites us to a more profund awareness of what is beautiful and meaningful.  We are able to notice delicious details like the hand-painted trim on an antique china cup, the melt-in-your mouth texture of a fresh blueberry scone  (I will add this in for my bias is Tealightful Treasures Scones), and the scent of a hyacinth blossom in the centerpiece.   One sip from a hot cup of tea and our hearts are filled with thanksgivng for the gifts in our daily lives-from friendships to blessings to trials. 
Take a seat, slowly pour another cup of tea, and take in the aroma and the warmth of the amber liquid.  Enjoy the pleasure of a life steeped in gratitude.


Three of the most encourageing words you can offer a friend are "I forgive you."  Catherine E Roillins

Nehemiah 9:17   You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.

Message for this morning.  Enjoy your cup of tea!

Traveling Tea with Jesus

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Casting Crowns - If We've Ever Needed You (live)

I wanted to post this song for election day and praying that God will bless this country with Godly leaders. Make sure to vote.

A great cup of tea

Quality water and proper brewing time are essential for a flavored cup of tea. Start with a preheated pot or cup (simply fill your teapot or cup with very hot water and let it stand for a moment). Use fresh cold water. In areas with poor tap water, use bottled or filtered water. Never use water from the hot water tap. Let the tap water run for a few seconds until it is quite cold; this ensures that the water is aerated (full of oxygen) to release the full flavor of the tea leaves. Bring water to a rolling boil. Don't let is boil too long, as it will boil away the flavor, releasing oxygen, and will result in a flat tasting cup of tea. Pour boiling water over tea leaves or over tea bag. Brew 3 to 5 minutes. Leaving the tea leaves or tea bag in for any longer makes the tea bitter.

Why is my green tea bitter? You may be letting the water heat for too long. Heat the water just until you can hear it, and then take it off the heat. Water for green tea should never be boiled, it should just be hot. Steep green teas a maximum of 2 minutes to avoid bitterness.

Enjoy your cup of tea today.

Traveling tea with Jesus